[1] [2] The king on the other part banished out of Eng|land, and all parts of his other dominions, all those persons that were knowen to be of kin vnto the archbishop, both yoong and old: and furthermore sent aduertisement to the abbat of Pountney and to his moonks, with whom the archbishop by the popes ap|pointment remained, that if they kept him still in their house, he would not faile to banish all the moonks of their order out of England. Now the archbishop, after he had remained there scarse two yeares, departed from thence of his owne accord, and came to the king of France, who courteouslie re|ceiued him, and sent him to the abbeie of saint Co|lumbes neere to the citie of Sens, where he remai|ned a certeine season, as shall be shewed hereafter.