[1] The verie same night before the cockcrowing he issued foorth by a little posterne gate, Rog. H [...]ed. The archbi|shop B [...]cket fled awaie in the night. and taking with him onelie two moonks of the Cisteaur order, the one named Robert Canne, and the other S. Cap|man, with one of his owne seruants called Roger de Broc, he fled awaie disguised in a white vesture and a moonks coule, and changing his name, caused himselfe to be called Dereman, & iourneied still all the night, and by daie laie close in one fréends house or other; till at last he got to Sandwich, and there ta|king ship, he sailed ouer into Flanders, and so went to France, where at the citie of Sens he found pope Alexander, into whose bosome he emptied whole cart lodes of complaints and greeuances.