[1] Now when he was got out, a great number of poore, weake and impotent people met him, saieng:

Blessed be God, which hath deliuered his seruant from the face of his enimie.
Thus with a great rout or companie, and with the clergie, he was honorablie conueied to the abbeie of S. Andrews: and looking behind and before him, as he passed thitherward, he said vnto those that went with him;
How glorious a procession dooth bring me from the face of the eni|mie? Suffer all the poore people to come into the place, that we may make merie togither in the Lord.
Hauing thus spoken the people had entrance, so that all the hall, parlours, and chambers being furnished with tables and stooles, they were conuenientlie pla|ced, and serued with vitt [...]ls to the full.