[1] When the archbishop had heard the variable sen|tences of the bishops in this case, he answered after this manner:
I would (said he) speake with two earles which are about the king, and named them. Who be|ing called, and the doores set open, he said vnto them; We haue not héere at this present to shew whereby the thing may be more manifest: therefore we aske respit for answer till to morrow.The councell there|fore brake vp, and the multitude of people, which came with the archbishop thither, being afraid of the kings displeasure, fell from him. Wherefore he caused his seruants to fetch a great number of poore and impo|tent people to his lodging, saieng that by the seruice of such men of warre, a more speedie victorie in short space might be gotten, than by them which in time of temptation shamefullie drew backe. Herevpon his house was filled full, and the tables set with such as his seruants had brought in, out of the lanes and streats abroad.