[1] These knights séemed to lament his case, as if al|readie they had séene naked swords shaken about his eares. And indeed, certeine of the kings seruants that attended vpon his person after the manner of a [...] Saluo ordine meo, [...] Mine order saued, which he had vsed before. The like [...] did all the bishops sake. But the archbishop refused at that [...] to se [...]le to the [...]|ting that conteined the articles of the oth which he should haue obserued, requiring as it were [...] to consider of them, sith in so weightie a master no|thing ought to be do [...]ne without good and deliberate aduice, wherefore he tooke wi [...]h him a copie thereof, and so did the archbishopof Yorke an other, and the third remained with the king.