[1] Shortlie after, in the feast of S. Hilarie, a councell was holden at Clarendon, whereto the archbishop, and in manner all the lords spirituall and temporall of the land made their repaire. Here the archbishop would haue willinglie started from his promise, if first the bishops, and after the earles of Leicester and Cornewall, Ger. Dor. Robert and Reignald (which Reignald was vncle to the king) and lastlie two knights tem|plers, had not moued him to yƩeld to the kings will. But (among the rest) these two knights, namelie Ri|chard de Hastings, and Hoste [...]s de Boloigne were verie earnest with him, & at length preuailed, though not for conscience of dutie, wherewith he should haue beene touched; yet with feare of danger, which (by re|fusing to satisfie the kings will) he should haue brought not onelie vpon himselfe, but also vpon the the other bishops there present.