[1] Howbeit, after this, manie of the bishops séeing whervnto this broile would grow, began to shrinke from the archbishop, and inclined to the king. But the archbishop sto [...]d stiflie in his opinion, and would not bend at all, till at length not onelie his suffra|gans the bishops, but also the bishop of Liseur (who came ouer to doo some good in the matter) and the ab|bat of Elemosina (who was sent from the pope) per|suaded him to agree to the kings will, R [...]oued. in so much that being ouercome at last with the earnest suit of his freends, he came first to Woodstocke, and there promised the king to obserue his lawes, Bona fide, Faithfullie, R Houed. 1164 Ge [...]. Dor. A councell at Clarendon. and without all collusion or deceit.