[1] [2] Unto these reasons thus propo [...]ed by the king (to [...] his purpose take effect) the archbishop and his [...] the rest of the bishops, answered verie pithilie, labouring to proue that it was more a|gainst the liberties of the church, than that they might with reason well allow. Wherevpon the king being moued exceedinglie against them, demanded whether they would obserue his roiall lawes and cu|stomes, which the archbishops and bishops in the time of his grandfather did hold and ob [...]ie or not? Where|vnto they made answere, that they would obserue them, [...] Salu [...] ord [...] suo, Their order in all things saued. But the king being highlie offended with such excep|tionsī€­ vrged the matter so, that he would haue them to take their oth absolutely, & without all exceptions, but they would none of that. At length he departed from London in verie great displeasure with the bi|shops,The king of|fende [...] with the b [...]shops. hauing first taken from the archbishop Tho|mas all the offices and dignities which he enioied since his first being created chancellor.