[1] These things troubled the king, who therefore ha|uing [page 70] alreadie set down [...] such [...] as should bridle the spiritualtie from their wicked dooings, thought that if he might get them confirmed in parlement by consent of the bishops and clergieî€ [...] the same should take place and be receiued for [...]. Where|fore he earnestlie required at this parlement, [...] [...]ha [...] it might be enacted against all such of the spirit [...]al|tie, as should be taken and conuicted for [...] offense, they should loose [...]he priuiledge of the church, and be deliuered vnto the ciuill magistrate, [...] should see them [...]uffer execution for t [...]eir [...], in like maner as he might any of the kings [...] being laie men. For otherwise the [...], that they would boldlie presume [...], if after ecclesiasticall discipline, no secu|lar [...] should follow. And lik [...]lie it was [...]hat they would passe but little for their disgrading and lo [...]e of their order, who in contempt of their calling would not absteine from committing most mischie|uous abhominations and hainous [...].