[1] Moreouer he required of the king the kéeping of Rochester castell, & the custodie of the tower of Lon|don. He alledged also that Saltwood & Hith belong|ed peculiarlie to the seigniorie of his see.The archbish. practiseth tre|son secretlie. He called Roger earle of Clare vnto Westminster, to doo his homage vnto him for the castell of Tunbridge but the earle denied it through the setting on of the king,Homage for the castell of Tunbridge. alledging all the fee thereof to apperteine rather to the king than to the archbishop. Thus was the archbi|shop troubled, and he grew dailie more and more out of the kings fauour. For yee must vnderstand, that this was not the first nor the second, but the eight time that the king had shewed tokens of his displea|sure against him.