[1] About this time Theobald archbishop of Cantur|burie departed this life, after he had gouerned that [page 69] sée the space of 22. yeares, who at his going to Rome, and receipt of the pall of pope Innocent the second, was also created legat of the see apostolike, which of|fice he exercised so diligentlie, and so much to the auaile of the church,The power legantine an|nexed to Cant. Wil. Paru. that the dignitie of legatship re|mained euer after to the archbishop of Canturburie by a speciall decrée, so that they were intituled Legati nati, that is to say Legats borne (as mine author dooth report.) This Theobald greatlie fauoured Thomas Becket.