[1] King Henrie, shortlie after the marriage was consummate betwixt his sonne & the French kings daughter, got into his hands the castell of Gisors, with two other castels situate vpon the riuer of Ea|ta in the conf [...]nes of Normandie and France. For it was accorded betwixt the two kings, that when the marriage should be finished, king Henrie should haue those thrée castels, bicause they apperteined to Normandie; in the meane time, the same castels were deliuered into the hands of Robert de Poi|ron, Tostes de Saint Omer, and Robert Hastings, Rog. Houed. thrée knights templers, who vpon the consumma|tion of the marriages before said, and according to the trust committed to them, surrendred the pos|session of the said castels into the hands of king Henrie.