[1] After the two kings were departed in sunder, K. Henrie prepared an armie against Conan duke of Britaine, who had seized the citie of Naunts into his hands, after the decease of Geffrey the kings brother, who was earle of Naunts. At length, the same Co|nan perceiuing himselfe not able to resist the king of England, vpon the daie of the feast of saint Micha|el the archangell came to king Henrie, and surren|dred the citie of Naunts into his hands, with all the whole countrie therevnto belonging. Soone after which resignation, and vpon the 24. of August, Gef|frey the kings fourth sonne was borne of his wife queene Elianor.Geffrey the kings fourth sonne borne.