[1] About the same time, king Henrie builded the ca|stell of Rutland, the castell of Basingwerke, and one house also of Templers. In the moneth of Septem|ber also this yeare, the kings third sonne was borne at Oxenford, & named Richard. This yeare was Tho|mas Becket preferred to be the kings Chancellor. The king holding his Christmas at Worcester in great royaltie, sat in the church at seruice, with his crowne on his head, Matth. Paris. The king lai|eth his crown on the altar. Coine altered. as the kings vsed in those daies to doo on solemne feasts: but as soone as masse was ended, he tooke his crowne from his head, and set it downe vpon the altar in signe of humblenes, so that he neuer after passed for the wearing of a crowne. The same yeare also the king altered his coine, abro|gating certeine peeces called basels.