[1] Shortlie after, when king Henrie had dispatched his businesse in Normandie, and made an end of troubles there betwixt him and his brother Geffrey, he returned into England,King Henrie goeth against the Scots. bicause he receiued ad|uertisement, that Malcolme king of Scotland be|gan to make war against his subiects that bordered next vnto him, wherevpon he hasted northwards: and comming first into Cumberland, he tooke the ci|tie of Carleil, seizing all that counrie into his hands; and going after into Northumberland,He wan Car|leil and New|castell and o|thers. he wan the towne of Newcastell, with the castell of Bamburg, and tooke into his possession all that coun|trie which his mother the empresse had sometimes granted vnto king Dauid, as before ye haue heard: howbeit, bicause he would not seeme to offer too much wrong, and be esteemed vnmindfull of former bene|fites receiued, he suffered king Malcolme to enioy the earledome of Huntington,The earldome of Huntingtõ. which king Stephan had giuen vnto his father earle. Henrie, sonne to king Dauid, as before is partlie touched.