[1] [2] King Stephan also after the end of the parlement went to Douer,The earle of Flanders. there to meet the earle of Flan|ders, who came thither to talke with him of certeine businesse. The earle was no sooner returned backe, but the king fell sicke, and was so gréeuouslie tor|mented with a paine in his bellie, and with an old dis|ease also,King Ste|phan depar|ted this life. wherewith (as should appeare) he had beene often troubled, namelie, the emrods, that finallie he died in the abbey on the fiue and twentith day of Oc|tober, in the nine and fortith yeare of his age, and af|ter he had reigned eighteene yeares, ten moneths, and od daies, in the yeare after the birth of our Saui|our 1154. Matth. Paris. N. Triuet. His bodie was interred in the abbeie of Feuersham in Kent, which he had builded, where his wife also, and his sonne Eustace were buried before. ¶ Thus farre of the acts and deeds of Stephan; now a little of other breefe remembrances, and first tou|ching the profopographie or description of his per|son.