[1] [2] [3] The king and duke come to Canturburie.Within a while after, the king and he came to Canturburie, where they were solemnlie receiued of the couent of Christes church with procession. After this, in the Lent season they went to Douer, where they talked with Theodorike earle of Flanders, and with the countesse his wife who was aunt to duke Henrie. At their comming towards Canturburie (as it was bruted) the duke should haue béene mur|thered, through treason of the Flemings that enui|ed both the dukes person,The enuie of the Flemings and also that peace which he had concluded with the king. But sée the hap. As this feat should haue béene wrought on Berhamdowne, William earle of Northfolke king Stephan his sonne, who was one of the chéefe conspirators, fell be|side his horsse, and brake his leg, so that euerie man by that sudden chance was in a maze, & came woon|dering about him. ¶ This no doubt came to passe by the prouidence of God, though such accidents are commonlie imputed to casualtie or chance medlie. For it is the worke of God either to preuent, or to in|tercept, or to recompense the vnnaturall conspira|cies of traitors and rebels with some notable plague: according to that of the poet;

Hesiod in lib. cui [...]it. op. & di. [...],
Noxius ipse sibi est alij qui quaerit obesse,
Consiliúm malum danti fert maxima damna.