[1] Now whereas king Stephan was the cause of all the troubles, in hauing vsurped an other mans right|full inheritance, it pleased God to mooue his hart at length to desire peace which he had euer before abhor|red. The cause that mooued him chéefelie to change his former purpose, was for that his sonne Eustace by speedie death was taken out of this world (as be|fore you haue heard) which losse séemed great not one|lie to the father, but also to all those lords and others which had alwaies taken his part, bicause he was a yoong man so well liked of all men, that he was iud|ged to be borne to much honour. But his wife Con|stance tooke his death verie sorowfullie,The ladie Constance wife to Eu|stace sent home. and the more indeed, for that she had no issue by him, wherevpon shortlie after she was sent honourablie home to hir father king Lewes with hir dower, and other rich and princelie gifts.