[1] Thus came things to passe in sundrie places wi [...]h so good successe as duke Henrie could wish, where|vpon meaning to follow the steps of prosperous for|tune, he marched foorth to Stamford,Stamford was taken. Simon Dun. Ger. Dor. and taking the towne at his first comming laid siege to the castell. Now they that had it in keeping sent messengers to king Stephan, requiring rescue, but the same time he had laid siege to the castell of Gipswich, which Hugh Bigot kept against him:Gipswich or Ipswich be|sieged. and bicause he wold not depart from that siege till he had the castell gi|uen vp into his hands (which came at last to passe) in the meane time the castell of Stamford was yéelded vp to duke Henrie, N. Triuet. who immediatlie therevpon de|parted from Stamford eastward, meaning to come to the succour of his fréends besieged at Gipswich or Ipswich (as it is commonlie called) not vnderstan|ding as yet that they had surrendred the hold: but ha|uing knowledge by the way what was happened, he returned and marched streight to Notingham, and got the towne easilie;Notingham. for they within the castell had set it on fire, therfore he besieged the castell stan|ding vpon the point of a stéepe craggie rocke, and was furnished with a strong garison of men, and all things necessarie for defense, so that it could not ea|silie be woone.