[1] [2] Now king Stephan hearing of his enimies arri|uall, with all hast possible got his armie on foot, and comming suddenlie towards the place where his e|nimies were pitched,K. Stephan constreineth him to raise his siege. he caused duke Henrie to raise his siege, and following after, offered him battell. But duke Henrie, knowing that his enimies were far more in number than he was at that present, and also conceiuing with himselfe that by prolonging of time his owne power would increase, absteined from fighting, and kept him within the closure of his campe. ¶ Thus haue some written, but other au|thors write, Wil. Par [...]. that Henrie kept himselfe indeed with|in his campe, and refused to giue battell, but yet re|moued not his siege, till the king departed from thence, after he saw he could not haue his purpose, and then did duke Henrie win the castell of Malmes|burie, or rather the maister tower or chéefe dungeon [page 60] of that castell. For as (Simon of Durham writeth) he had won by assault the other parts and lims of the castell before king Stephan came to remoue him. Simon Dun. Ger. Dor.