[1] Wherevpon the said duke hauing knowledge by the waie that he should come too late thither, he en|camped first vpon the fide of the riuer of Andell, and wasted a great part of the countrie of Ueuxin or Ueulquesine,Ueulquesine. or Ueuxin. surnamed Le Normant, which lieth be|twixt the riuer of Epte and Andell. This countrie belonged somtime to Normandie, but Geffrey earle of Aniou the dukes father had resigned it to the French king, to the end he should not aid king Ste|phan. The duke also burned the castels of Bascher|uisle, Chitrey, Stirpiney, and the castell of Fort, that belonged to Hugh de Gourney, with diuerse other. About the end of August he left his townes in Nor|mandie sufficientlie furnished with garisons of soul|diers, and went into Aniou, where he besieged the ca|stell de mount Sotelli, till he had taken it, and all those that were within it, amongst whome was the lord thereof named William. The French king on the other side entring into Normandie, burnt part of the borough of Rieule, and either then or shortlie after that duke Henrie was gone ouer into Eng|land,The castell of Uernon. Simon Dun. he tooke the towne and castell of Uernon.