[1] The moonks of Canturburie that were sent to Rome, returning, came from thence to Bullongne, Geruasius. Anno Reg. 13. 1148 where they found those that were first sent thither: and so they all foure came to Canturburie. The pope also had sent a priuie commandement to the archbi|shop, [page 58] that he should duelie punish as well them as the other. Wherevpon the archbishop taking counsell with his fréends, deposed Syluester the prior, and sus|pended William the secretarie of the house from en|tring the quéere. It was decreed also, that the residue should cease so long a time from saieng seruice, as they had said it before vnlawfullie, against the arch|bishops commandement. For it was thought reason, that whilest other sang and were merrie, they should keepe silence, which wilfullie tooke vpon them to sing, whilest other held their peace and were still. They began therefore to cease from saieng diuine seruice, and from ringing their bels in the second wéeke of Lent: & so kept silence from the twelfe day of March, vntill the first day of August.