[1] Now when the councell at Rhemes was ended, archbishop Theobald returned into England, and comming to Canturburie, was receiued with great ho [...]or of the couent and citizens there. But the king remaining then at London, when he heard of it, was sore displeased, and came with great spéed vnto Can|turburie, where much conference being had betwixt him and the archbishop (although to small purpose) for the bringing of them to an agréement, at length the king compelled the archbishop to depart the realme. Wherevpon, after a few daies respit, he went to Douer, where he tooke ship and sailed into France. But within a while he was called backe by the quéene and William of Ypres, vnto S. Omers, that they might the sooner aduertise him of the kings mind and pleasure. Here he consecrated Gilbert the elect bishop of Hereford, the fift daie of Septem|ber, Theodoric bishop of Amiens and Nicholas bi|shop of Cambre assisting him.