[1] In the yeare following; namelie, in the 10. Matth. Paris. Simon Dun. yeare of king Stephans reigne, Robert earle of Glocester and other capteins tooke in hand to build a castell at Faringdon. Anno. Reg. 10. 1145 But king Stephan assembling an ar|mie of Londoners and other,A castell built at Faring|don. Hen. Hunt. came thither, and besie|ged them within. Now whilest earle Robert and o|thers of the empresses capteins remaining not far off, taried for a greater power to come to their aid, the king with sharpe assaults (but not without losse of his men) wan the fortresse:The king winneth it by force. whereby his side be|gan to wax the stronger, and to be more highlie ad|uanced. After this he came with a mightie armie vn|to Wallingford, Anno Reg. 11. 1146 and there builded a strong castell ouer against the other castell which his aduersaries held against him.