[1] King Stephan (after the spoiling of sundrie chur|ches, the robbing and burning of manie townes and villages by the hands of his hired souldiers, who for the more part were Flemings) came at leng [...]h with his brother the bishop of Winchester stronglie ar|med vnto Wilton,The king commeth to wilton. where he tooke in hand to fortifie the nunrie in steed of a castell, to resist the incursi|ons and inrodes of them of Salisburie, who in the behalfe of the empresse had doone manie displeasures vnto his fréends: but earle Robert vnderstanding of his dooings, got a power togither with all speed, and the first daie of Iulie about sunne setting came to Wilton, and suddenlie set the towne on fire.