[1] After hir departure from Oxford, Polydor. Simon Dun. N. Triuet. the townesmen yeelded vnto the king, who hauing taken order for the kéeping of them in obedience, marched toward Walingford, minding to besiege the castell there: but being encountred in the way by his enimies, he was driuen backe, and so constreined to turne ano|ther waie. Anno Reg. 8. 1143 Earle Robert hearing that his sister was escaped and gotten to Wallingford, hasted thither with all spéed to visit hir:The empresse hir sonne lord Henrie. & (as some write) brought with him hir sonne the lord Henrie that was come with him from beyond the seas, to sée his mother: so that the empresse now beholding both hir sonne and brother, receiued them with all the ioy and honour that she could or might presentlie make them. Hir son remaining vnder the gouernement of earle Ro|bert, was then appointed by him to abide within the citie of Bristow, & there continued for the space of 4. yéeres, being committed to one Matthew his schoole|maister, to be instructed in knowledge, and trained vp in ciuill behauiour.