[1] It was a verie hard winter that yeare, the Thames and other riuers thereabouts were frosen, so that both man and horsse might safelie passe ouer vpon the yce,

N. Triuet. Simon Dun. Wil. Paru. Ran. Higd. Matth. Paris.

The empresse escapeth out of Oxford.

Polydor. Wil. Malm. Simon Dun. Matth. Paris.

Brian sonne to the earle of Glocester.

the fields were also couered with a thicke and déepe snow. Herevpon taking occasion, she clad hir selfe and all hir companie in white appa|rell, that a far off they might not be discerned from the snow; and so by negligence of the watch that kept ward but slenderlie, by reason of the excéeding cold weather, she and hir partakers secretlie in the night issued out of the towne, and passing ouer the Thames, came to Walingford, where she was recei|ued into the castell by those that had the same in kée|ping to hir vse: of whom Brian the sonne to the erle of Glocester was the chiefe.