[1] Wil. Malm. Earle of Glo|coster retur|neth.Wherevpon the earle of Glocester came backe a|gaine himselfe, and bringing with him somewhat lesse than foure hundred men of armes (imbarked in 52. ships) landed with the same at Warrham, and besieged the castell there, which his enimies had won out of his hands whilest he was absent in Norman|die. Ger. Dor. In the end they that were within it (vnder the gouernment of Herebert de Lucy) fell to agreement by composition, that if they were not succoured by a certeine time, they should deliuer the castell vnto the earle. Wil. Malm. King Stephan himselfe the same time held a siege before Oxford, within the which he had inclosed the empresse, as hereafter shalbe shewed: so that they within the castell of Warrham had no succour sent vnto them, and therefore (according to the articles of their composition) they yeelded vp the hold, after erle Robert had lien three wéekes before it.