[1] As the king began (after his libertie obteined) to prouide for warres, Matth. Paris. Earle Robert passeth ouer into Nor|mandie. so earle Robert (after he was discharged) sailed ouer into Normandie, taking with him the sonnes of diuerse Noble men who fauo|red the empresse, whome he deliuered to hir husband the earle of Aniou to be kept as pledges, & earnestlie besought him to passe ouer into England with an armie to aid the empresse.Normandie woone by the earle of An|iou. Howbeit bicause he was newlie intred into the conquest of Normandie, and had alreadie won the most part thereof, he thought good to make first an end of his warres there, ha|uing somewhat to doo against certeine rebels of his owne countie of Aniou, which did not a little molest him. But he recouered (whilest the earle of Gloce|ster was there with him) Alney, Mortaigne, Te|nerchbray, and diuerse other places perteining chief|lie to the earle of Mortaigne: about the same time al|so they of Constances submitted themselues vnto him. Thus the earle of Aniou being occupied in those parties, could not well come into England.