[1] King Stephan being deliuered in such wise as you haue heard, comming to London, Geruasius Do|robernensis. A parlement called. and there being accompanied with his brother Henrie bishop of Winchester (then the popes legat) Theobald archbi|shop of Canturburie, and others, he called a parle|ment, wherein the king declared the present state, how the enimie was brought to this point, that if it would please the Nobles of the realme to mainteine him with men & monie, he trusted now so to worke, as they should not need to feare submission to the yoke of a womans gouernment: which at the first they seemed much to mislike, and now sithens (to their great gréefe) had prooued to be intollerable. The summe of his talke tended to this end, that those which were able of themselues to aid him with their owne persons, should prepare them out of hand so to doo; and the residue that were not meet (as bishops, and such like maner of men) should be contributors to aid him with hired souldiers, armour, and monie.