Snippet: 59 of 156 (1587, Volume 6, p. 54)
[2] The quéenes armie thus
committed to his gui|ding, came néere vnto Winchester, and kept the
em|presse and hir people in maner besieged:
Wil. Malm. In nouella hi|storia.
N. Triue [...]. Sim. Dun. Polydor.
The empresse armie put to flight.
Wil. Malm. Robert earle of Glocester taken priso|ner.
at length perceiuing the aduantage after the comming of a great
supplie of Londoners to their aid, they set vpon hir armie as the same was
departing, with such vio|lence, that straightwaies hir host was put to
flight and discomfited. The empresse was glad to saine hir selfe dead, and so to be conueied in a coch as a dead corps
vnto Glocester. Hir brother Robert with ma|nie other of the Nobles that
staied behind, till she and other might get out of danger, were taken
pri|soners. And bicause the king was kept at Bristow vnder the custodie of
the said Robert, the queene cau|sed him to be hardlie handled, that he might
prooue the words of the gospell true: With what measure yée meat vnto
Matt. Paris.
with the same by other shall it be
remeasured vnto you. He had deserued verie euill of the king heretofore, and
therefore it was now re|membred. He was taken (in maner abouesaid) on the
feast day of the exaltation of the crosse.