[1] Henrie bishop of Winchester perceiuing the wrath of the empresse more and more to increase dailie a|gainst hir people, Polydor. thinking it wisedome to serue the time,Castels forti|fied by the bi|shop of win|chester. manned all the castels which he had builded within his dieces; as at Waltham, Farnham, and o|ther places, and withdrew himselfe into the castell of Winchester, there to remaine, till he might sée to what end the furie of the woman would grow. This being knowne, the empresse tooke vnto hir Dauid king of Scotland that was hir vncle, who immediat|lie ioining their armies togither, went to Winche|ster and besieged the castell. In the meane time the quéene and hir sonne Eustace, with the helpe of their freends, as the Kentishmen, the Londoners and other had assembled a great armie, and appointed the go|uernement and generall conduct thereof vnto one William of Ypres a Fleming,William de Ypresse. who for his valian|cie was by king Stephan created earle of Kent: he was sonne to Philip of Flanders, Ia. Meir. begotten of a con|cubine, his father also was sonne to Robert earle of Flanders, surnamed Frisius. This William was ba|nished out of his countrie by Theodorike Elsas earle of Flanders, bicause he attempted to bereaue him of his earledome.