[1] Hauing thus passed through all the south parts of the realme on that side,Shée cõmeth to London. she finallie came to London, where the citizens welcomed hir in most ioifull and hartie maner. Now being come to London, and con|sulting with those of hir councell for the quieting of the whole state of the realme, queene Maud wife to king Stephan (for so she was also called) made humble suit vnto hir to haue hir husband set at li|bertie,The quéene sueth to the empresse for the deliuerie of hir husband promising that he should resigne his whole claime and title into hir hands, and content himselfe with a priuate life. But hir suit was so farre off from being granted, that she was reiected and cast off with reprochfull words. Wherevpon she conceiued a most high displeasure, and vnderstood well inough; that peace was to be purchased by force of armes onelie, and not by any other meanes: insomuch that with all diligence she sent to hir sonne Eustace (then be|ing in Kent) & willed him to prepare an armie, which he did most spéedilie.