Snippet: 54 of 156 (1587, Volume 6, p. 53)
[1] Moreouer, Dauid king of
Scotland entred into Northumberland,
The king of Scots taketh Northumber|land into his possession.
The empresse foloweth the victorie.
and by commandement of the em|presse tooke the countrie into his
hands, whilest she (like a woman of great wisedome, as she was no lesse
indéed) iudging that it stood hir vpon to vse the victorie which fell to hir
lot, slept not hir businesse, but went forward, and setting from Glocester,
she came to Winchester, where she was honorablie receiued of bishop Henrie,
though he was king Stephans brother, and inwardlie lamented the misfortune
of the king. Then came she backe againe to Wilton, and so to Oxenford, from
thence to Reading, and then to S. Albons, into all which cities and townes
she was receiued with great triumph and honour.