[1] On the other side he himselfe vsing the like good successe amongst the rebels at home, ouercame them, and chased them out of the land. Ran. Higd. Castels reco|uered by king Stephan. For in this meane time he had taken the castels of Hereford, Glocester, Webbeley, Bristowe, Dudley, and Shrewesburie. Likewise Robert earle of Glocester not being able to resist the king thus preuailing against his aduer|saries on ech hand, fled into France vnto his sister the empresse. After this, about Aduent, the popes le|gat one Alberike bishop of Hostia, N. Triuet. Simon Dun. Matth. Paris. held a synod at London, within Paules church, where by the kings consent,Theobald archbishop of Canturburie. Theobald abbat of Bechellouin was conse|crated archbishop of Canturburie, being the 37. arch|bishop which had ruled that see, after Augustine the moonke.