[1] At length earle Henrie perceiuing how the mat|ter went, and that there was no hope left of recoue|rie, fled also with those that could escape, bitterlie cur|sing the frowardnesse of fortune, and mishap of that daies chance. The number of them that were killed at this battell was aboue ten thousand. Polydor. Hen. Hunt. The number. In which number there were not manie of the English: but yet among other, Walter Lacie the brother of Gil|bert Lacie, one of their cheefe capteines is remem|bred to be one. Simon Dun. Matth. Paris. Wil. Paru. Polydor. This battell was fought in the mo|neth of August, in the fourth of king Stephan, who hearing of this victorie, greatlie reioised, and gaue infinite commendations to his subiects (the En|glishmen and the Normans) but principallie prai|sed archbishop Thurstan and the bishop of Durham for their faithfull and diligent seruice shewed in this behalfe.