[1] Archbishop Thurstan raiseth a pow|er to fight with the Scots.In this meane while the archbishop Thurstan, to whom the charge of defending the countrie cheefelie in the kings absence apperteined, called togither the Nobles and gentlemen of the shire and parties ad|ioining, whom with so pithie and effectuall words he exhorted to resist the attempts of the Scots (whose cruell dooings could kéepe no measure) that inconti|nentlie all the power of the northparts was raised, and (vnder the leading of William earle of Albe|marle, Simon Dun. Capteines of the armie. Walter Espeke, William Peuerell of Not|tingham, and two of the Lacies, Walter and Gil|bert) offered euen with perill of life and limme to trie the matter against the Scots in a pight field, and ei|ther to driue them out of the countrie, or else to loose their liues in the quarell of their prince.