[1] Now king Stephan knowing that the Scots were not like long to continue in quiet, returned northwards againe;Thurstan archbishop of Yorke made lieutenant of ye north parts. and comming to Thurstan the archbishop of Yorke, he committed the kéeping of the countrie vnto his charge, commanding him to be in a redinesse to defend the borders vpon any sud|den inuasion. Which thing the couragious archbishop willinglie vndertooke. By this meanes king Ste|phan being eased of a great part of his care, fell in hand to besiege the residue of those places which the rebels kept: but they fearing to abide the danger of an assault, fled away, some into one part, and some into an other; whom the kings power of horssemen still pursuing and ouertaking by the way, slue, and tooke no small number of them prisoners in the chase. Thus was the victorie in maner wholie atchiued, and all those places recouered, which the enimies had fortified.