Snippet: 19 of 156 (1587, Volume 6, p. 48)
[2] But to our storie.
King Stephan hearing of this pitifull spoile,
K. Stephan maketh hast to rescue the north parts. The Scots
K. Stephan burnt the south parts of Scotland.
hasted forward with great iournies to the rescue of the countrie.
The Scots put in feare of spéedie comming to encounter them, drew backe
in|to Scotland: but he pursued them, and entring into their countrie, burned
and destroied the south parts of that realme in most miserable maner.
Whilest king Stephan was thus about to beat backe the forren enimies, and
reuenge himselfe on them, he was assailed by other at home, & not
without the iust vengeance of almightie God, who meant to punish him for his
periurie committed in taking vpon him the crowne, contrarie to his oth made
vnto the em|presse and hir children. For Robert earle of Gloce|ster, base
brother vnto the empresse,Robert earle of
Glocester. and of hir priuie councell, sought by all meanes how to
bring king Stephan into hatred, both of the Nobles and com|mons, that by
their helpe he might be expelled the realme, and the gouernment restored to
the empresse and hir sonne.