[1] Hauing thus with good successe finished this en|terprise, Anno Reg. 2. 1137 and being now aduertised of the businesse in Normandie, he sailed thither with a great armie: and being come within two daies iournie of his eni|mie the earle of Aniou,K. Stephan passeth into Normandie. he sent foorth his whole power of horssemen, diuided into three parts, which were not gone past a daies iournie forward, but they en|countred the earle, finding him with no great force about him.The earle of Aniou put to flight. Wherevpon giuing the charge vpon him, they put him to flight, and slue manie of his people. Which enterprise in this maner valiantlie atchiued, euen according to the mind of king Stephan, he ioi|ned in freendship with Lewes the seuenth king of France:Lewes king of France. Eustace son to king Ste|phan. and hauing latelie created his sonne Eu|stace duke of Normandie, he presentlie appointed him to doo his homage vnto the said Lewes for the same.