[1] [2] King Stephan hearing what his enimies had doone, though he was somewhat mooued with this al|teration of things, yet as one nothing afraid of the matter, he said merilie to those that stood about him:
We are aliue yet God be thanked, and that shall be knowne to our enimies ye [...] it be long.Neither doubted he any thing but some secret practise of treason, and therfore vsing all diligence, he made the more hast to go against his enimies, whose attempts though streightwaies for the more part he repressed, [page 48] yet could he not recouer the places (without much adoo) that they had gotten, as Excester, and others: which when he had obteined, he contented himselfe for a time, and followed not the victorie any further in pursuing of his enimies. Wherevpon they became more, bold afterward than before; in somuch that soone after they practised diuerse things against him, whereof (God willing) some in places conuenient shall appeare: howbeit they permitted him to re|maine in quiet for a time. But whilest he studied to take order in things at home (perceiuing how no small number of his subiects did dailie shew them|selues to beare him no hartie good will) he began by little and little to take awaie those liberties from the people, Polydor. which in the beginning of his reigne he had granted vnto them, and to denie those promises which he had made, according to the saieng,
That which I haue giuen, I would I had not giuen, and that which remaineth I will kéepe still.This sudden alteration and new kind of rough dealing purcha|sed him great enuie amongst all men in the end. A|bout the same time great commotions were raised in Normandie by meanes of the lord Geffrey earle of Aniou,Geffrey earle of Aniou. husband to Maud the empresse, setting the whole countrie in trouble: but yer any newes there|of came into England, king Stephan went against Baldwin Reduers, who being latelie (though not without great and long siege expelled out of Exce|ster) got him into the Ile of Wight, and there began to deuise a new conspiracie. Howbeit the king com|ming suddenlie into the Ile, Simon Dunel. Wil. [...]aruus. Polydor. tooke it at the first as|sault, and exiled Baldwin out of the realme.