[1] There came ouer vnto him also a great number of Flemings and Britons to serue him as souldiers,The resort of strangers to serue king Stephan. whom he reteined, to be the stronger and better able to defend himselfe against the malice of the em|presse, by whom he looked to be molested he wist not how soone. Wherefore he shewed himselfe verie libe|rall, courteous, and gentle towards all maner of persons at the first, and (to saie truth) more liberall, familiar, and free harted than stood with the maiestie of a king: which was afterward a cause that he grew into contempt. ΒΆ But to such meanes are prin|ces driuen, that atteine to their estates more through fauour and support of others, than by any good right or title which they may pretend of themselues. Thus the gouernement of this prince at the beginning was nothing bitter or heauie to his subiects, but full of gentlenesse, lenitie, courtesie, and mildnes.