[1] Polydor. Ran. Higd. Licence to build castels,Moreouer, be granted licence to all men, to build either castell, tower, or other hold for defense of them|selues vpon their owne grounds. Al this did he chief|lie in hope that the same might be a safegard for him in time to come, if the empresse should inuade the land, as he doubted she shortlie would. Moreouer he aduanced manie yoong & lustie gentlemen to great liuings. Wil. Malm. In nouella hi|storia. For such as were of any noble familie, and thereto through a certeine stoutnesse of stomach sought preferment, easilie obteined of him the posses|sion of castels and great lordships, diuerse of whom he honored with titles of dignitie, creating some of them earles and some lords. Now, such was their importunate sute in demanding, that when he had little more to bestow amongst them, hauing alreadie giuen sundrie portions that belonged to the crowne, they ceassed not to be in hand with him for more, and being denied with reasonable excuses on his behalfe, they thought themselues ill dealt withall, and so tur|ning from him, fortified their castels and holds, ma|king open warre against him: as hereafter shall appeare.