[1] Moreouer (as some writers thinke) the bishops tooke it,The bishops think to please God in brea|king their oth. that they should doo God good seruice in pro|uiding for the wealth of the realme, and the aduance|ment of the church by their periurie. For whereas the late deceassed king vsed himselfe not altogither for their purpose, they thought that if they might set vp and creat a king chéeflie by their especiall meanes and authoritie, he would follow their counsell better, and reforme such things as they iudged to be amisse. But a great cause that mooued manie of the lords vnto the violating thus of their oth, Matth. Paris. was (as some au|thors rehearse) for that Hugh Bigot, sometime stew|ard to king Henrie the first,Hugh Bigot. immediatlie after the decease of king Henrie, came into England, and as well before the archbishop of Canturburie, as diuers other lords of the land, tooke a voluntarie oth (al|though most men thinke that he was hired so to doo bicause of great promotion) declaring vpon the same that he was present a little before king Henries death, when the same king adopted and chose his ne|phue Stephan to be his heire and successour, bicause his daughter the empresse had gréeuouslie displeased him. But vnto this mans oth the archbishop and the [page 47] o [...]her lords were so hastie in giuing of credit. Now [...] said Hugh for his periurie, by the iust iudgement [...] God, came shortlie after to a miserable end.