[1] Howbeit, there were diuerse of the wiser sort of all estates, which regarding their former oth, could haue béene contented that the empresse should haue gouerned till hir sonne had come to lawfull age; not|withstanding they held their peace as yet, and con|sented vnto Stephan.Periurie pu|nished. But this breach of their othes was worthilie punished afterward, insomuch that as well the bishops as the other Nobles either died an euill death, or were afflicted with diuerse kinds of calamities and mischances, and that euen here in this life, of which some of them as occasion serueth shall be remembred hereafter. Wil. Malm. The bishop of Salisburies protestation. Yet there were of them (and namelie the bishop of Salisburie) which protested that they were frée from their oth of allegi|ance made to the said empresse, bicause that without the consent of the lords of the land she was maried out of the realme, whereas they tooke their oth to re|ceiue hir for queene, vpon that condition, that with|out their assent she should not marrie with any per|son out of the realme.