[1] This Stephan began his reigne ouer the realme of England the second day of December, in the yere of our Lord 1135. in the eleuenth yeare of the empe|rour Lothair, the sixt of pope Innocentius the se|cond, and about the xxvij. of Lewes the seuenth, sur|named Crassus king of France, Dauid the first of that name then reigning in Scotland, & entring in|to the twelfe of his regiment. He was crowned at Westminster vpon S. Stephans day, Matth. Paris Wil. Mal. Simon Dun. by William archbishop of Canturburie, the most part of the No|bles of the realme being present, and swearing feal|tie vnto him, as to their true and lawfull souereigne.