[1] As well in this kings daies, as in the time of his brother William Rufus, men forgetting their owne sex and state, transformed themselues into the habit and forme of women, by suffering their haire to grow in length, the which they curled and trimmed verie curiouslie, after the maner of damosels and yong gentlewomen:The abuse of wearing long haire. insomuch that they made such account of their long bushing perukes, that those which would be taken for courtiers, contended with women who should haue the longest tresses, and such as wanted, sought to amend it with art, and by knit|ting wreathes about their heads of those their long and side locks for a brauerie. Yet we read that king Henrie gaue commandement to all his people to cut their haire, about the 28. yeare of his reigne. Matth. West. Prea|chers [page 46] indeed inueied against such vnseemlie maners in men, as a thing more agréeable and seemelie for the contrarie sex.