[1] [2] [3] But whilest he thus passed the time in mirth and solace, Polydor. he began soone after to be somewhat diseased, and neuer could perceiue any euident cause thereof.1135 Anno. Reg. 35. Wherefore to driue his greese away, he went abrode to hunt, and being somewhat amended thereby (as he thought) at his comming home he would néeds eat of a lamprey, Matth. West. Sim Dunel. though his physician counselled him to the contrarie: but he delighting most in that meat (though it be in qualitie verie hurtfull to health) would not be dissuaded from it, so that his stomach being annoied therewith, he fell immediatlie into an ague,King Henrie departeth this life. and so died shortlie after, on the first day of December, being as then about 67. yeares of age, after he had reigned 35. yeres, & foure moneths lack|ing foure daies. His bodie was conueied into Eng|land, and buried at Reading within the abbey church which he had founded, and endowed in his life time with great and large possessions. It is written, that his bodie, Matth. West. Ran. Higd. Sim. Dunel. to auoid the stench which had infected ma|nie men, was closed in a buls hide, and how he that clensed the head died of the sauour which issued out of the braine.