[1] [2] In the 34. yeare of his reigne, his brother Ro|bert Curthose departed this life in the castell of Car|diff. Matth. Paris. Matth. West. Anno Reg. 35. It is said that on a festiuall daie king Henrie put on a robe of scarlet, the cape wherof being streict, he rent it in striuing to put it ouer his head: and per|ceiuing it would not serue him, he laid it aside, and said; Let my brother Robert haue this robe, who hath a sharper head than I haue. Which when it was brought to duke Robert, and the rent place not sow|ed vp, he perceiued it, and asked whether any man had worne it before. The messenger told the whole matter, how it happened. Wherewith duke Robert tooke such a greefe for the scornefull mocke of his bro|ther, that he waxed wearie of his life, and said; Now I perceiue I haue liued too long,The deceasse of Robert Curthose. that my brother shall cloth me like his almes man with his cast and rent garments. Thus cursing the time of his natiui|tie, he refused from thencefoorth to eat or drinke, and so pined awaie, and was buried at Glocester.