[1] [2] [3] [4] Not long after, or rather before (as by Wil. Mal|mes. it should séeme) king Henrie passed ouer into Normandie, from whence (this being the last time of his going thither) he neuer returned aliue. And as it came to passe, he tooke ship to saile this last iournie thither, euen the same daie in which he had afore time receiued the crowne.An eclipse. On which daie (falling vpon the wednesdaie and being the second of August) a won|derfull and extraordinarie eclipse of the sunne and moone appeared, in somuch that Wil. Malmes. who then liued, writeth that he saw the starres plainlie a|bout the sunne at the verie time of that eclipse. On the fridaie after such an earthquake also happened in this realme,An earth|quake. that manie houses and buildings were ouerthrowne. This earthquake was so sensible, or rather so visible, that the wall of the house wherein the king then sat, was lift vp with a double remoue, & at the third it setled it selfe againe in his due place. Moreouer at the verie same time also fire burst out of certeine riffes of the earth, in so huge flames, that neither by water nor otherwise it could be quenched.